Thursday, March 25, 2010


so right now we are unable to update Beckas portfolio on the website. so what ive decided to do is im going to start putting up recent works from becka and maybe liam (i'll ask and see if he's cool with that). i will do it at least once a week but hopefully more if there is enought to put up. so keep checking back to see what new work is happening at the poison apple! here is a little sugar skull did on a super cool guy named mike paska!(he's so legit he drives semi-trucks on roads of ice or at least he used to)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Help Wanted!

so things are still busy as ever and liam has decided he is over canada and wants to hang out in america, what a dick. so anyway this means we are in need of a new artist. if you're a super rad tattoo artist and want to move to fernie or just come hang out for a while give us a call(250/423/5948) or find us on facebook and message us. we are not looking to take on an apprentice, as that is just babysitting and we dont have a big enough shop to handle that shit. we are looking for an artist who does strictly custom work, we dont even have flash in the shop cause thats lame(sorry if flash is your thing, but its true). we want an experienced artist, no new artists need apply. call us up, send us your work and lets make this happen.....soon.....please....becka will get backed up and stressed out again and when she is stressed she hurts me.......